Minx Movies Registry

If you wish to register for our electronic, or postal mailing list, then please fill in the form below.
You should also use this form to let us know of changes of Postal or Email Addresses.
By registering, we can contact you about new video releases, model trips, web site updates, etc.
We do not pass on personal details, check our policy page.
Please do not register if you have no intention of purchasing our products.
Please ensure that you either fill in an EMAIL ADDRESS or a POSTAL ADDRESS, otherwise there is no point sending in this form

I do not have a customer number
I am a customer, please update my information, but can't remember my number
I am a customer, please update my information, my number is (Nxxx) :
First + Last Names: ***
House + Street Address:
Zip/Post Code:
I have changed address recently

Your FULL Internet Email address (please don't forget this):

Your homepage (if it has Wetlook/WAM content):

I discovered Minx Movies via:

How many videos of this type would you buy per year ?NONE!Just 1 or 2All of them

Are you likely to want a Custom Tape shot (see the Sponsored Shoot page for details)YesNo

Any other comments, or immediate requests:

Please ensure that you either fill in an EMAIL ADDRESS or a POSTAL ADDRESS, otherwise there is no point sending in this form.
(We DO NOT receive your Email Address just by sending the form, you MUST fill it in above)

*** = required field.

Submission of this form is acknowledged automatically. If you have made specific comments or asked questions, then we will respond in person as soon as possible, but if you are simply registering, then you wont hear from us until we have some new information for you. If you have an urgent request, then please contact us .